fan vaulting


fan vaulting 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a system of fan vaults.

fan vaulting 近义词

fan vaulting

等同于 ceiling

更多fan vaulting例句

  1. We haven't had any real fan reaction yet, but our collective fingers are crossed.
  2. Why do you think you were “an asperg-y movie fan…a jabbering repellent acolyte?”
  3. Replying to a fan, she wrote, “Anthony Goldstein, Ravenclaw, Jewish wizard.”
  4. Comments like that are designed to stoke the fires of fan-passion—and it works beautifully.
  5. It is the most animated this Downton Abbey fan has ever seen Lady Grantham.
  6. She took the fan from Madame Ratignolle and began to fan both herself and her companion.
  7. She bathed Madame Ratignolle's face with cologne, while Robert plied the fan with unnecessary vigor.
  8. Rarely, sodium urate occurs in crystalline form—slender prisms, arranged in fan- or sheaf-like structures (Fig. 32).
  9. She opened a large black fan and moved it slowly while looking intently at her son's bent profile.
  10. In one, which occurs not infrequently, a thickened arm is made to expand into something like a fan-shaped hand, as in Fig. 18.